[ --- The Bug! Magazine
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                      [ M . A . G . A . Z . I . N . E ]

.> 0x00 : staff, The Bug! Magazine
        : Aedes aegypt - introducao

.> 0x01 : staff, The Bug! Magazine
        : Entrevista: Phiber Optik

.> 0x02 : Strauss
        : Introducao ao Desenvolvimento de LKMs (Linux Kernel Modules)

.> 0x03 : setuid_
        : kless, connecting to void and getting out alive

.> 0x04 : thotypous
        : TUN/TAP - Redes virtuais e suas aplicacoes praticas

.> 0x05 : wishbone
        : WEP - Analise de Vulnerabilidades e Ataques

.> 0x06 : hash & sandimas
        : O Guia do Raw Socket e Ataques em Ambientes de Rede

.> 0x07 : Rodrigo Rubira Branco (BSDaemon) & Lucio Correia
        : StMichael: Protecting the Linux Kernel Integrity

.> 0x08 : y0Rk
        : Sistemas de Deteccao de Intrusos: Parte II

.> 0x09 : staff, The Bug! Magazine e varios autores
        : MiSC: /dev/random stuff

.> 0x0a : staff, The Bug! Magazine
        : Resenha: 23rd Chaos Communication Congress

.> 0x0b : staff, The Bug! Magazine
        : Resenha: Hackers To Hackers Conference III

staff, The Bug! Magazine
Information wants to be free.