Security Group Inc. \\\\\\ \\\\\\ \\ \\ \\\\\\ \\ // \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\// \\\\\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\\\\ \\\\\\ \\ \\\\\\ \\ SECURITY E-ZINE¸ "Ninguem se torna sabio por acaso" -- Seneca INDICE: o INTRODUCAO o Acesso Remoto e Transferencia de Arquivos de Rede (Security Group) o Intranet, Internet, Workstations, Supercomputadores e Mainframes o Processamento em lote com scripts do shell (Security Group) o Conexao ao UNIX¸ o Como executar um Daemon da Internet o Tudo que voce sempre quis saber, mas teve preguica de pesquisar! Sobre seguranca. (SunOS) PARTE I o SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) (Security Group) o Seguranca do Windows NT (Security Group) PARTE I o MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) (RFC) o A Security Problem and Proposed Correction With Widely Deployed DNS Software \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o INTRODUCAO Bem, depois de um lancamento um pouco conturbado e demorado, agora sim estamos prontos para mostrar oque realmente sabemos de melhor, nada de dicas fracas ou comandinhos chatos, agora e acao. No decorrer deste documento vamos ensinar a utilizacao do sistema, pretendemos mostrar que UNIX, nao e a toa o melhor sistema multiusuario. Neste documento estamos desenvolvendo um trabalho para mostrar oque sabemos, nao para ultrapassar nossos limites, a medida que formos aprendendo vamos escrevendo. Dentro em pouco a nossa pagina vai ter uma area de arquivos com va- rios arquivos para o Linux, ferramentas de necessidade para quem lida com es- se poderoso sistema operacional. Relembrando, esse documento nao tem a minima intencao de ensinar a "quebrar sistemas" ou "hackear", se voce esta procurando isso, sinto muito. A intencao deste documento e ensinar alguma coisa a quem nao sabe, ou relem- brar a quem sabe, ensinar alguma coisa sobre UNIX, comandos, dicas, lembre-se que para fazer esta zine nos pesquisamos muito, foram muitas noites de tra- ducao de documentos, lendo varios livros, procurando os assuntos mais interes- santes, para voces. Obrigado por ler a POLICY. Security Group Inc. * Chown * Ablaze{_ * {Alex_} * cYclopE * Security Group HOME PAGE em: \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o Acesso Remoto e Transferencia de Arquivos de Rede (Security Group) (conhecidos como comandos r) UTILITARIOS ESPECIFICOS PARA UNIX * rwho O utilitario rwho e muito parecido com o utilitario who, mostra quem estah ligado a cada maquina host, os unicos usuarios mostrados sao aqueles que nao estiverem inativos por uma hora ou mais, o tempo inativo e mostrado em minutos na coluna da extrema direita. Use a opcao -a para mostrar todos os u- suarios independente da inatividade. * ruptime E um processo uptime para toda rede, permite saber se uma maquina host esta ativa e pode ser alcancada. O nome de cada host e dado assim como o peri- odo de tempo em que o host esteve na rede. * rlogin Depois que uma maquina esta conectada a rede, o proximo passo e testar essa conectividade, para estabelecer um login com uma maquina remota voce po- de usar o rlogin, o processo rlogin primeiro tenta registrar voce sem uma se- nha, verificando as entradas no arquivo /etc/hosts.equiv, se nao puder encon- trar o arquivo ou seu nome dentro dele, em seguida ele vai verificar o /etc/ passwd para encontrar o seu diretorio $HOME. Ele procura um arquivo .rhosts que lhe permite obter acesso sem verificacao. Se nao encontrar ele te pede uma senha. OBSERVACAO: mais informacoes sobre o arquivo /etc/hosts.equiv pode ser encon- trada no numero 00 deste documento. Para conectar a uma maquina remota como outro usuario siga o comando normal com -l e o nome do usuario que voce sera na outra maquina. # rlogin -l * Como alternar entre dois hosts Se voce esta conectado remotamente a um host, e deseja voltar ao que voce realmente esta, digite um til (~) e . Exemplo: # # -z O til e interpretado como caracter padrao de cancelamento (escape), , para voltar ao host remoto digite exit na sua maquina. * remsh UM dos metodos mais uteis para testar o estado de um host na rede e executar remotamente uma tarefa naquela maquina. E pode ser feito sem que seja necessario o login. O nome desse utilitario pode variar, mas geralmente e rsh ou remsh. Para que isso funcione, os hosts local e remoto devem ter permissoes apropriadas para entrar um no outro. O arquivo /etc/hosts.equiv e/ou .rhosts devem permitir que uma maquina acesse a outra sem verificacao de senha. # remsh * rcp Utilizado para copiar arquivo de outros computadores, ate remotos, u- sando a seguinte sintaxe: rcp hostname:file Exemplo: #ls test #rcp orr@venus:test #ls test test # OBS: existem outros alem desses citados aqui, como: rup, finger, etc.. Observe que para funcionamento desses comandos devera haver especificacoes no arquivo /etc/hosts.equiv ou em alguns casos no /etc/rhosts \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o Intranet, Internet, Workstations, Supercomputadores e Mainframes * Servidores internet e intranet Entre as varias maquinas ligadas a internet, muitos sao servidores de diversos tipos. Apenas empresas de grande porte precisam manter seus proprios servidores Internet. A maioria recorre ao servico de provedores. Ao contrario, Intranet e uma rede que torna disponivel as informacoes dentro da propria empresa. Os servidores da intranet podem ser configurados , para esta finalidade, com as mesmas caracteristicas da Internet. * Workstations Alguns computadores que sao parecidos apenas fisicamente com os PCs , possuem uma capacidade de peocessamento muito superior. Sao as chamadas Workstations. Elas sao usadas em todo tipo de servicos e aplicacoes. Desde meteo- rologia ate Servidores de internet. Sao caracteristicas de workstations: processadores poderosos, grande quantidade de memoria, sistemas operacionais avancados como UNIX e WinNT. * Supercomputadores e mainframes Antes dos microcomputadores, todo processamento era exercido em maqui- nas de grande porte, conhecidas como mainframes. Essas maquinas eram muito grandes, exigindo muita tecnica e pericia das pessoas que iriam opera-las. Com o surgimento dos famosos ïmicrosï, o mercado de mainframes entrou em decadencia, essa substituicao trouxe vantagem pela descentralizacao das informacoes dentro de uma empresa. Mas alguns trabalhos como pesquisas mi- litares, espaciais, controle de sistemas bancarios ainda necessitam de gran- des computadores para sua execucao. Um supercomputador possui dezenas de processadores, em alguns casos esse numero pode chegar a centenas ou milhares. Eles processam rapidissimo complicadissimos calculos. \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o Processamento em lote com scripts do shell (Security Group) Trabalhar com arquivos de lote do UNIX e muito mais pratico e funci- onal do que trabalhar com arquivos de lote DOS. Mas para isso, necessita-se maior interesse e conhecimento do usuario, para criar um arquivo de lote sim- ples, no UNIX e necessario a: * Criacao de arquivos, com editores de texto (joe, vi ou ate mesmo cat > nome_ do_arquivo), incluindo os comandos e variaveis. * Definicao do arquivo como modo executavel (chmod 755 nome_do_arquivo) * Mova ou copie o script para o seu diretorio de comandos. OBS: voce deve mover ou copiar este arquivo porque cada vez que voce executa um programa que nao esta no path, ele nao roda, voce deve fornecer o PATH in- teiro do programa, ou incluir um diretorio na variavel PATH, editando seu arquivo de configuracao(.profile ou .login), que se enconta no seu diretorio HOME, se ele ja contem uma variavel PATH adicione a ela, mas se nao, adicione a seguinte linha: PATH=$PATH:diretorio onde diretorio e o local onde estao os scripts. O shell age como um interpretador de comandos, mas nao simplesmente isso. Ele possui uma linguagem de programacao completa. A substituicao de co- mandos e uma caracteristica importante dele. Comandos podem ser envolvidos por crases `comando`. Exemplo: #echo "Listagem do diretorio: `pwd` :" Listagem do diretorio /usr/bin # Para armazenar um determinado valor em uma variavel basta: #var=valor Para ver este valor digite: #echo $var valor # Estes sao os passos basicos para criacao de scripts em UNIX. Bem esse `$` que usamos ai, e um parametro embutido no shell, existem varios parametros , abaixo uma lista deles: Parametro Descricao # O numero de argumentos na linha de comando * Uma lista de todos argumentos. "S*" apresenta-se como uma string com todos os argumentos separados por branco. @ O mesmo que $* exceto quando entre aspas. "S@" expande para a lista de argumentos fornecidos, cada um como um campo separado - Opcoes fornecidas para o shell ? O status de terminacao do ultimo comando executado sincronica- mente. $ O ID do processo corrente. ! O ID do processo mais recente rodando em background * Declaracoes de selecao A declaracao if pode ser usada em um script do UNIX, veja o exemplo que se segue: #comeco do exemplo if ïlistaï then ïlistaï [ elif ïlistaï then ïlistaï ] ... [ else ïlistaï ] fi # fim do exemplo # comeco de um exemplo de script utilizando o if # verifica sintaxe da linha de comando if test $# -ne 2 then # reporta falha echo Uso: $0 arg1 arg2 exit 1 fi # outras declaracoes ... # reporta sucesso na execucao exit 0 # fim de um exemplo de script utilizando o if test utiliza operadores para verificar o tipo de comparacao a ser efetuada. O operador -ne significa nao igual, outros operadores incluem -eq para igual, -lt para menor que, -z para string de tamanho zero, etc... O simbolo # e um comentario. Pronto, torne o arquivo executavel, , e rode-o. Sem argumentos ele produzira a seguinte saida: #script Uso: script arg1 arg2 #echo $? 1 # Rode-o agora com um argumento diferente de 0. Exemplo: #script 1 2 #echo $? 0 # Bem voce deve ter entendido que, caso erro ïexit 1ï, e caso sucesso ïexit 0ï contribui para essa saida do $?. Leia os parametros a cima para maior informacao. * A declaracao CASE A forma de declaracao CASE e muito mais eficiente que a forma de decla racao IF. Sua estrutura e: case palavra in modelo) lista;; ... esac A palavra e avaliada e comparada com o modelo associado a lista. Para nenhum dos cases listados usamos *) que deve ser a ultima opcao. Exemplo: : # Verifica sintaxe da linha de comando case $1 in "ola") echo Ola, mundo! ;; "adeus" | "tchau") echo "Adeus, mundo cruel" ;; *) echo Uso: $0 [ ola | adeus | tchau ] exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 Onde $1 e o primeiro argumento da linha de comando apos o nome do programa. * Os lacos While e Until Se ao inves de saltar para a frente de um script nos voltassemos, te- riamos de criar um loop, while e until sao duas declaracoes padra para criar lacos. Sua estrutura e: while lista do lista done ou: ENTRADA -------------- | | | | lista ----- lista 2 -- falso | verdadeiro | saida O fluxo do laco UNTIL e praticamente o mesmo, so que as posicoes de falso e verdadeiro se trocam. Exemplo: :toupper # converte o texto de entrada para maiuscula while true do echo "Entrada (sem entrada significa fim): \c" read text if test -z "$text" then break fi echo $text | tr [a-z] [A-Z] done exit 0 * O laco FOR Possui a forma: for name [ in word ] do list done O laco for executa o programa uma vez para cada nome em word. Exemplo: :linecount # imprime os nomes e quantidades de linhas # para arquivos informados na linha de comando for name do count=`cat $name | wc -l` echo $name contains $count lines done Alguns simples exemplos de scripts feitos por mim, e uma funcao muito util para usar com o ïreadï: Exemplo 1: # # Arquivo de lote para montagem de cdrom usando o mount e umount # case $1 in "-m") mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom ;; "-u") umount /mnt/cdrom ;; *) echo sintaxe: cdrom '-' echo switch : -m -u exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 Exemplo 2: # # Arquivo de lote para montagem de floppy usando o mount e umount # case $1 in "-m") mount -r /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ;; "-u") umount /mnt/floppy ;; *) echo sintaxe: floppy '-' echo switch : -m -u exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 Exemplo 3: # # Arquivo de lote para execucao do pppd # case $1 in "-14400") echo executando pppd... pppd 115200 defaultroute /dev/cua2 ;; *) echo sintaxe: ppp '-' echo switch : 14400 exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 Exemplo 4: Bem, quem faz scripts a algum tempo, sabe que o comando read grava os dados digitados para uma variavel, mas o problema e que sempre que damos um read em um determinado script ele joga o local onde se entra com os valores abaixo do texto, quando e muito melhor joga-lo ao lado. Bem com essa funcao isto e possivel. # Funcao para determinar local do campo da variavel if [ "`eval echo -n 'a'`" = "-n a" ] ; then c='\c' else n='-n' fi # Fim da funcao, inicio do exemplo echo $n "teste: $cc" read c echo $c \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o Conexao ao UNIX¸ * Arquivos de configuracao padrao de interligacao em rede Diversos arquivos de configuracao fornecem informacoes de interligacao em rede. Eles sao /etc/hosts, /etc/networks, /etc/ethers, /etc/services e /etc/protocols * Arquivo /etc/hosts E um banco de dados de nomes de computadores interligados em rede e seus enderecos IP correspondentes. Esse arquivo e consultado por diversos pro- gramas, a seguir um exemplo desse arquivo: # # hosts This file describes a number of hostname-to-address # mappings for the TCP/IP subsystem. It is mostly # used at boot time, when no name servers are running. # On small systems, this file can be used instead of a # "named" name server. Just add the names, addresses # and any aliases to this file... # # By the way, Arnt Gulbrandsen says that # should NEVER be named with the name of the machine. It causes problems # for some (stupid) programs, irc and reputedly talk. :^) # # For loopbacking. localhost secgroup secgroup2 secgroup3 # End of hosts. Alem dos computadores encontrados na rede, existe uma entrada para localhost. O e um endereco especial referido como endereco de loop- back. Esse endereco e usado para testar os parametros de redes instalado no kernel. * Arquivo /etc/ethers Assim como o arquivo /etc/hosts, o /etc/ethers e um banco de dados de enderecos de computadores. A diferenca e que esse arquivo inclui enderecos ethernet. Como nao compilei a kernel com suporte pra rede Ethernet, vou dar um exemplo contido em um livro: # # /etc/ethers # 8:0:20:23:3a:45 earth 8:0:20:78:36:19 venus 8:0:20:d4:62:7b mercury 0:0:c:0:41:ba acct-gw * Arquivo /etc/networks O /etc/networks e um arquivo opcional que associa nomes a valores de mascara de sub-redes ou enderecos de redes de dominio, usado muito em redes de grande porte, pois a utilizacao de nomes facilita muito a memorizacao dos enderecos. Exemplo: # # networks This file describes a number of netname-to-address # mappings for the TCP/IP subsystem. It is mostly # used at boot time, when no name servers are running. # loopback localnet # End of networks. * Arquivo /etc/protocols O conjunto TCP/IP e composto de diversos protocolos. Quando um pacote chega ao seu destino, o computador host verifica se o pacote foi realmente destinado a ele. Neste caso o computador verifica a seguir, qual protocolo de nivel superior podera processa-lo. Para determinar isso o computador extrai um numero de protocolo do pacote comparando-o as entradas no /etc/protocols: # # protocols This file describes the various protocols that are # available from the TCP/IP subsystem. It should be # consulted instead of using the numbers in the ARPA # include files, or, worse, just guessing them. # ip 0 IP # internet protocol, pseudo protocol number icmp 1 ICMP # internet control message protocol igmp 2 IGMP # internet group multicast protocol ggp 3 GGP # gateway-gateway protocol tcp 6 TCP # transmission control protocol pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol udp 17 UDP # user datagram protocol idp 22 IDP # WhatsThis? raw 255 RAW # RAW IP interface # End. * Arquivo /etc/services Um dos recursos de interligacao mais usados do UNIX e o recurso que permite a execucao de um programa em um computador enquanto acessa informacoes ou servicos em outro computador. Isto representa a base cliente/servidor. O computador cliente informa ao servidor qual servico deseja utilizar, incluindo um numero de porta no pacote que esta solicitando o servico. Esse processo presume que o servidor utilize os mesmos numeros de por- tas utilizados pelo cliente. Esse e o objetivo do /etc/services. Esse arquivo inclui o nome do processo, alem da porta e do protocolo associado a ele. # # Network services, Internet style # # Note that it is presently the policy of IANA to assign a single well-known # port number for both TCP and UDP; hence, most entries here have two entries # even if the protocol doesn't support UDP operations. # Updated from RFC 1340, ``Assigned Numbers'' (July 1992). Not all ports # are included, only the more common ones. # # from: @(#)services 5.8 (Berkeley) 5/9/91 # $Id: services,v 1.9 1993/11/08 19:49:15 cgd Exp $ # tcpmux 1/tcp # TCP port service multiplexer echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/tcp users daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp netstat 15/tcp qotd 17/tcp quote msp 18/tcp # message send protocol msp 18/udp # message send protocol chargen 19/tcp ttytst source chargen 19/udp ttytst source ftp 21/tcp # 22 - unassigned telnet 23/tcp # 24 - private smtp 25/tcp mail # 26 - unassigned time 37/tcp timserver time 37/udp timserver rlp 39/udp resource # resource location nameserver 42/tcp name # IEN 116 whois 43/tcp nicname domain 53/tcp nameserver # name-domain server domain 53/udp nameserver mtp 57/tcp # deprecated bootps 67/tcp # BOOTP server bootps 67/udp bootpc 68/tcp # BOOTP client bootpc 68/udp tftp 69/udp gopher 70/tcp # Internet Gopher gopher 70/udp rje 77/tcp netrjs finger 79/tcp www 80/tcp http # WorldWideWeb HTTP www 80/udp # HyperText Transfer Protocol link 87/tcp ttylink kerberos 88/tcp krb5 # Kerberos v5 kerberos 88/udp supdup 95/tcp # 100 - reserved hostnames 101/tcp hostname # usually from sri-nic iso-tsap 102/tcp tsap # part of ISODE. csnet-ns 105/tcp cso-ns # also used by CSO name server csnet-ns 105/udp cso-ns rtelnet 107/tcp # Remote Telnet rtelnet 107/udp pop2 109/tcp postoffice # POP version 2 pop2 109/udp pop3 110/tcp # POP version 3 pop3 110/udp sunrpc 111/tcp sunrpc 111/udp auth 113/tcp tap ident authentication sftp 115/tcp uucp-path 117/tcp nntp 119/tcp readnews untp # USENET News Transfer Protocol ntp 123/tcp ntp 123/udp # Network Time Protocol netbios-ns 137/tcp # NETBIOS Name Service netbios-ns 137/udp netbios-dgm 138/tcp # NETBIOS Datagram Service netbios-dgm 138/udp netbios-ssn 139/tcp # NETBIOS session service netbios-ssn 139/udp imap2 143/tcp # Interim Mail Access Proto v2 imap2 143/udp snmp 161/udp # Simple Net Mgmt Proto snmp-trap 162/udp snmptrap # Traps for SNMP cmip-man 163/tcp # ISO mgmt over IP (CMOT) cmip-man 163/udp cmip-agent 164/tcp cmip-agent 164/udp xdmcp 177/tcp # X Display Mgr. Control Proto xdmcp 177/udp nextstep 178/tcp NeXTStep NextStep # NeXTStep window nextstep 178/udp NeXTStep NextStep # server bgp 179/tcp # Border Gateway Proto. bgp 179/udp prospero 191/tcp # Cliff Neuman's Prospero prospero 191/udp irc 194/tcp # Internet Relay Chat irc 194/udp smux 199/tcp # SNMP Unix Multiplexer smux 199/udp at-rtmp 201/tcp # AppleTalk routing at-rtmp 201/udp at-nbp 202/tcp # AppleTalk name binding at-nbp 202/udp at-echo 204/tcp # AppleTalk echo at-echo 204/udp at-zis 206/tcp # AppleTalk zone information at-zis 206/udp z3950 210/tcp wais # NISO Z39.50 database z3950 210/udp wais ipx 213/tcp # IPX ipx 213/udp imap3 220/tcp # Interactive Mail Access imap3 220/udp # Protocol v3 ulistserv 372/tcp # UNIX Listserv ulistserv 372/udp # # UNIX specific services # exec 512/tcp biff 512/udp comsat login 513/tcp who 513/udp whod shell 514/tcp cmd # no passwords used syslog 514/udp printer 515/tcp spooler # line printer spooler talk 517/udp ntalk 518/udp route 520/udp router routed # RIP timed 525/udp timeserver tempo 526/tcp newdate courier 530/tcp rpc conference 531/tcp chat netnews 532/tcp readnews netwall 533/udp # -for emergency broadcasts uucp 540/tcp uucpd # uucp daemon remotefs 556/tcp rfs_server rfs # Brunhoff remote filesystem klogin 543/tcp # Kerberized `rlogin' (v5) kshell 544/tcp # Kerberized `rsh' (v5) kerberos-adm 749/tcp # Kerberos `kadmin' (v5) # webster 765/tcp # Network dictionary webster 765/udp # # From ``Assigned Numbers'': # #> The Registered Ports are not controlled by the IANA and on most systems #> can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary #> users. # #> Ports are used in the TCP [45,106] to name the ends of logical #> connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of #> providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is #> defined. This list specifies the port used by the server process as its #> contact port. While the IANA can not control uses of these ports it #> does register or list uses of these ports as a convienence to the #> community. # ingreslock 1524/tcp ingreslock 1524/udp prospero-np 1525/tcp # Prospero non-privileged prospero-np 1525/udp rfe 5002/tcp # Radio Free Ethernet rfe 5002/udp # Actually uses UDP only # # # Kerberos (Project Athena/MIT) services # Note that these are for Kerberos v4, and are unofficial. Sites running # v4 should uncomment these and comment out the v5 entries above. # #kerberos 750/udp kdc # Kerberos (server) udp #kerberos 750/tcp kdc # Kerberos (server) tcp krbupdate 760/tcp kreg # Kerberos registration kpasswd 761/tcp kpwd # Kerberos "passwd" #klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos rlogin eklogin 2105/tcp # Kerberos encrypted rlogin #kshell 544/tcp krcmd # Kerberos remote shell # # Unofficial but necessary (for NetBSD) services # supfilesrv 871/tcp # SUP server supfiledbg 1127/tcp # SUP debugging \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o Como executar um Daemon da Internet Diversos aplicativos servidor/cliente estao incluidos no UNIX. Alguns desses programas, chamados daemons, sao executados durante todo o tempo, mas a maioria nao. Se voce tivesse que executar cada daemon de forma continua, so- brariam poucos recursos de computador para que voce pudesse fazer outras coi- sas. Um daemon especial chamado de Internet Daemon ou simplesmente inetd, escuta as diversas portas (/etc/services) para solicitacao de servicos de en- tradas. Quando uma solicitacao e recebida, o inetd inicializa o daemon apro- priado para trata-la. Depois que o servico foi fornecido, o inetd encerra o daemon. O inetd sabe que daemon devera aceitar lendo o /etc/inetd.conf quando ele tiver sido inicializado, em geral na partida da estacao de trabalho. O /etc/inetd.conf contem diversos campos para cada entrada. Assim como os outros arquivos analisados, o texto apresentado apos o caracter # sera igno rado. O formato e o seguinte: service-name socket-type proto wait-status user server-pathname args -> service-name corresponde ao nome do servico listado no /etc/services -> socket-type o tipo de socket utilizado pelo servico. Entradas validas sao: stream (fluxo), dgram (datagram), raw e edm ( Reliably Delivered Message) -> proto e o tipo de protocolo utilizado pelo servico. Os protocolos sao os listados no /etc/protocols -> wait-status corresponde a guarda de transito do servico, se for definido como wait, o inetd devera esperar ate que o servidor libere o socket, no-wait significa que o servidor pode continuar com a execucao. -> args inclui a linha de comando para processar a solicitacao de forma corre- ta. Se voce incluir ou excluir um novo servico tera de reinicializar o inetd para isso digite no prompt: #ps-acx | grep inetd 131 ? IW 0:04 inetd #kill -HUP 131 Aqui vai uma lista do /etc/inetd.conf: # See "man 8 inetd" for more information. # # If you make changes to this file, either reboot your machine or send the # inetd a HUP signal: # Do a "ps x" as root and look up the pid of inetd. Then do a # "kill -HUP ". # The inetd will re-read this file whenever it gets that signal. # # # # The first 4 services are really only used for debugging purposes, so # we comment them out since they can otherwise be used for some nasty # denial-of-service attacks. If you need them, uncomment them. #echo stream tcp nowait root internal #echo dgram udp wait root internal #discard stream tcp nowait root internal #discard dgram udp wait root internal #daytime stream tcp nowait root internal #daytime dgram udp wait root internal #chargen stream tcp nowait root internal #chargen dgram udp wait root internal time stream tcp nowait root internal time dgram udp wait root internal # # These are standard services. # ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd wu.ftpd telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.telnetd # # Use this one instead if you want to snoop on telnet users (try to use this # for ethical purposes, ok folks?) : # telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.telnetsnoopd # # If you want to read NNTP news via TERM, comment out the nntp # line below, and use a command like this once the TERM # connection is up: tredir 119 # You'll also want to do this: set NNTPSERVER ; export NNTPSERVER #nntp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.nntpd # # This is for BSD sendmail: # smtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd sendmail -v # This is set up for running Smail: # smtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/bin/rsmtp -bs # # The comsat daemon notifies the user of new mail when biff is set to y: comsat dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.comsat # # Shell, login, exec and talk are BSD protocols. # shell stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rshd -L login stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rlogind # exec stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rexecd # talk dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.talkd ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.talkd # # Kerberos authenticated services # # klogin stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd rlogind -k # eklogin stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd rlogind -k -x # kshell stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd rshd -k # # Services run ONLY on the Kerberos server # # krbupdate stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd registerd # kpasswd stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd kpasswdd # # Pop et al # # pop2 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.pop2d pop3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.pop3d imap2 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd imapd # # The Internet UUCP service. # # uucp stream tcp nowait uucp /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -l # # Tftp service is provided primarily for booting. Most sites # run this only on machines acting as "boot servers." # # tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd # bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.bootpd in.bootpd # # Finger, systat and netstat give out user information which may be # valuable to potential "system crackers." Many sites choose to disable # some or all of these services to improve security. # Try "telnet localhost systat" and "telnet localhost netstat" to see that # information yourself! # finger stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.fingerd -w # systat stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /bin/ps -auwwx # netstat stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /bin/netstat -a # # Ident service is used for net authentication auth stream tcp wait root /usr/sbin/in.identd in.identd -w -t120 -l # # These are to start Samba, an smb server that can export filesystems to # Pathworks, Lanmanager for DOS, Windows for Workgroups, Windows95, Lanmanager # for Windows, Lanmanager for OS/2, Windows NT, etc. Lanmanager for dos is # available via ftp from in bussys/MSclient/dos/. Please read # the licensing stuff before downloading. Use the TCP/IP option in the client. # Add your server to the \etc\lmhosts (or equivalent) file on the client. netbios-ssn stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/smbd smbd netbios-ns dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/nmbd nmbd # # Sun-RPC based services. # # # rstatd/1-3 dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd rpc.rstatd # rusersd/2-3 dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd rpc.rusersd # walld/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd rpc.rwalld # # End of inetd.conf. \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o Tudo que voce sempre quis saber, mas teve preguica de pesquisar! Sobre seguranca. (SunOS) PARTE I Desculpem me por este arquivo se encontrar em ingles, e que a pressa nos fez adiantar a ezine esse mes, mas prometo que no proximo mes, haverao co- mo de costume somente 2 materias em ingles. UnixWorld Online: Tutorial Article: Most Recent Acquisition How to Improve Security on a Newly Installed SunOS 4.1.3 System By Thomas M. Kroeger and Braden W. Carter Questions regarding this article should be directed to the authors at or We'd like this document to remain current and evolve to become even more useful to the Unix community. Please send Solaris 1.1 and 1.1.1 security tips not covered here, along with any necessary pointers or references to We will include those we judge suitable along with a credit for the contributor. Abstract Our goal is to provide some of the more basic steps that you can do to improve security on a newly installed SunOS 4.1.3 (Solaris 1.1 or 1.1.1) system. Disclaimer: This is by no means an all-inclusive list of actions, just some of the simple and more common measures. These recommendations come with no guarantees! The intended audience is anyone responsible for the system administration duties of a machine running SunOS 4.1.3. These recommendations are applicable to a stand-alone workstation, which may be connected to a larger network. It is assumed that the reader has some familiarity with basic Unix system administration. (You should be able to do a basic system installation by yourself, install patches, and use an editor). Please note that this list limits its coverage to measures that can be done for a stand-alone workstation. In addition to the steps listed here, there are many measures that can be taken to improve the security of an environment. For example, filtering traffic to port 2049/udp at the routers will prevent NFS calls from outside your domain. Such measures, while extremely helpful, can be quite specific to individual system needs and can become quite involved. A proper coverage of these issues would warrant a book, not a short write up. More detailed coverage of these measures can be found in Reference 2. The truly paranoid may wish to implement these recommendations while in single user mode, as an extra measure of security to avoid possible subversive shenanigans by a wily cracker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steps to Improve Security * Patches to Install * Network Changes * Kernel Changes * File system Changes o Editing Files o EEPROM Configuration o File Permissions o Install Random Number I-node Generator * ID Management Changes * Mail System Modifications * Packages for Better Security and Monitoring * References * Technical Note * Acknowledgments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patches to Install 4.1.3 Security listing 100103 SunOS 4.1;4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: script to change file permissions 100173 SunOS 4.1.1/4.1.2/4.1.3 : NFS Jumbo Patch 100224 SunOS 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.1.3: /bin/mail jumbo patch * 100257 SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: jumbo patch for, ldd, and ldconf 100272 SunOS 4.1.3: Security update for in.comsat. 100296 SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: netgroup exports to world 100305 SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: lpr Jumbo Patch 100372 SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: tfs and c2 do not work together 100377 SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: sendmail jumbo patch 100383 SunOS 4.0.3;4.1;4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: rdist security and hard link * 100448 OpenWindows 3.0: loadmodule is a security hole. 100452 OpenWindows 3.0: XView 3.0 Jumbo Patch 100478 OpenWindows 3.0: xlock crashes leaving system open 100482 SunOS 4.1;4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: ypserv and ypxfrd fix, plus DNS fix * 100507 SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: tmpfs jumbo patch 100513 SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: Jumbo tty patch 100564 SunOS 4.1.2, 4.1.3: C2 Jumbo patch 100593 SunOS 4.1.3: Security update for dump. * 100623 SunOS 4.1.2;4.1.3: UFS jumbo patch 100630 SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: SECURITY: methods to exploit login/su 100631 SunOS 4.1.x: env variables can be used to exploit login(US only) 100632 SunSHIELD 1.0: ARM jumbo patch release * 100890 SunOS 4.1.3: domestic libc jumbo patch 100891 SunOS 4.1.3: international libc jumbo patch 100909 SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: Security update for syslogd. 101072 SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: Non-related data filled the last block 101080 SunOS 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3: security problem with expreserve 101200 SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: Breach of security using modload 101206 ODS 1.0; NFS/fsirand security fix. 101480 SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: Security update for in.talkd. * 101482 SunOS 4.1.3, 4.1.2, 4.1.1: Security update for write. * 101640 SunOS 4.1.3: in.ftpd logs password info when -d option is used. 102023 SunOS 4.1.3: Root access possible via forced passwd race condition 101710 ONLINE DISKSUITE (ODS) 1.0: Security update for dump. 4.1.3_UI Security listing 101434 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: lpr Jumbo Patch 101435 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: ypserv fix * 101436 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: bin/mail jumbo patch * 101440 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: security problem: methods to exploit login/su 101558 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: international libc jumbo patch 101579 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: Security problem with expreserve for Solaris 1. * 101587 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: security patch for mfree and icmp redirect 101590 ONLINE DISKSUITE (ODS) 1.0, NFS/fsirand security fix 101621 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: Jumbo tty patch 101665 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: sendmail jumbo patch * 101679 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: Breach of security using modload 101759 SunOS 4.1.3_U1: domestic libc jumbo patch * Some patches may not be required if you are disabling this feature. If this is the case, ensure that all relevant files have had their mode changed to remove the set-user-ID bit with chmod u-s . Please also note that some patches may not necessarily apply, based on packages installed (US Encryption...) or your configuration. Carefully check the README file for each patch. Patches are available via anonymous FTP from Back to the Index of Steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network Changes * Disable source routing Why Source routing enables the originating host to dictate the route the packet will take. This can be used to spoof a system into believing that the packets are coming from a trusted source. How Install source routing patch found in Reference 19. More Info Reference 2 Chap 2, Reference 19 * Comment out all unnecessary services in /etc/inetd.conf Why RPC services can be used to gain access as well as information about a system. These are very site specific adjustments and will have to be tailored to your needs. Additionally, TCP wrappers can be used to improve logging, prevent IP spoofing (one host pretending to be another in order to gain access to a target node), and limit access to a service as well as totally removing it. Reference 4 How Edit the /etc/inetd.conf file and put a pound sign (#) in front of services that are not needed. Note Services possibly not needed, but probably desired include + ftp - possibly needed for file transfer, however if all you want is outgoing ftp then this is can be commented out + telnet - obvious (recommend restricting with TCP wrappers, Reference 4) + finger - probably better to get a modified version that doesn't give up much information + talk - nice to have but how much will you miss it? Services that are probably unnecessary (see man pages for details) + name - for name services, tnamed(8) + comsat - for mail, not necessary + login - for rlogin, please see discussion of ruserok + uucp - if you're not sure you're using this then you probably are not + exec - services for rexecd, best to do without Services recommended against using. (Find a way to live without these.) + shell - for rsh, major source for security problems + tftp - only needed for support of an X terminal or diskless clients; doubtfully needed on a desktop machine More Info Reference 4, Reference 15, Reference 22 Chap 11 * Enable NFS port monitoring (This is of value only if you are exporting file systems over NFS) Why Port monitoring ensures that calls to NFS to mount a file system come from a port number less than 1024 (in other words, a port that requires root access to use). How The default /etc/rc.local file sets up port monitoring only if the file /etc/security/passwd.adjunct exists. Otherwise, if you will be implementing shadowing then you can skip over this step. If you will not be implementing shadowing and you will be exporting files then you should modify /etc/rc.local to do the following two lines, regardless of whether or not the passwd.adjunct file exists. echo "nfs_portmon/W1" | adb -w /vmunix /dev/kmem > /dev/null 2>&1 rpc.mountd Note One possible side effect is that non-Sun NFS client might not be able to mount exported files. Shadowing is covered under the ID Management Changes section. More Info Reference 3, pg. 177, and mountd(8C) * Ensure that ypbind is invoked with the -s option Why Users could easily start their own ypbind services and activate a phony NIS database giving them access as any user. How As with port monitoring the default /etc/rc.local sets up ypbind in the secure mode, using the -s option, only if the file /etc/security/passwd.adjunct exists. If you will be implementing shadowing then you can skip over this step, otherwise you should modify /etc/rc.local to start ypbind with the -s option regardless of whether the passwd.adjunct file exists. More Info ypbind(8) Return to the Index of Steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kernel Changes * Disable IP forwarding Why This could be used to spoof an IP address on a machine with two network interfaces. How Install the following line in the kernel configuration file: options "IPFORWARDING=-1" More Info For info on how to custom configure a kernel, see the file /usr/sys/`arch`/conf/README * Modify ruserok(3) in /usr/lib/ ( on 4.1.3_U1) to disable o root .rhosts authentication, o wildcards in .rhosts, or o .rhosts entirely, depending on desired security level. Why ruserok(3) is a library routine that does the checking of both the .rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv files for all the ``r'' commands. + ruserok(3) uses the source IP address in the rpc request for authentication. There are no guarantees that this address is correct. This address can easily be spoofed, yielding illegitimate access to a system. + Crackers will often insert plus signs (+) into users' .rhosts file to allow them to gain access at a latter date. Most users don't look at their .rhosts file too often. While using .rhosts prevents crackers from sniffing your users' passwords, it also make them vulnerable to IP spoofing (claiming to be a host that you're not). How To modify the source code requires a source code license. For those who wish to create their own modified version of ruserok(3) please see the technical note section at the end that describes some of the details for creating a custom Additionally the logdaemon package Reference 15 has a modified version of that helps with this. Finally TCP wrappers can also be used to restrict access to each individual ``r'' command. Reference 4 More Info ruserok(3), hosts.equiv(5), source code file /lib/libc/net/rcmd.c, Reference 4, Reference 15 * Uncomment security options in frame buffer table file /etc/fbtab Why Without these entries, ownership of console devices will not be properly set. More Info fbtab(5) * Remove /dev/nit Why The /dev/nit device file is Sun's network interface, which can be used by crackers that have already broken into a machine to examine network packets for password information. How Remove the device from the kernel's configuration and rebuild the kernel. (The following steps are taken from Reference 21) # cd /usr/kvm/sys/sun[3,3x,4,4c]/conf # cp CONFIG_FILE SYS_NAME Note that at this point, you should replace the CONFIG_FILE with your system specific configuration file, if one exists. # chmod +w SYS_NAME # vi SYS_NAME # # The following are for streams NIT support. NIT is used by # etherfind, traffic, rarpd, and ndbootd. As a rule of thumb, # NIT is almost always needed on a server and almost never # needed on a diskless client. # pseudo-device snit # streams NIT pseudo-device pf # packet filter pseudo-device nbuf # NIT buffering module Comment out the preceding three lines, then save and exit the editor before proceeding. # config SYS_NAME # cd ../SYS_NAME # make # mv /vmunix /vmunix.old # cp vmunix /vmunix # /etc/halt > b This step will reboot the system with the new kernel. Notes Please note that even after the new kernel is installed, you need to take care to ensure that the previous kernel (for example, vmunix.old) is not used to reboot the system. More Info Reference 21 Return to the Index of Steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File system Changes * Editing Files o Create the file ftpd-root/etc/ftpusers Why This file is a list of users that will not be allowed to access the system via ftp. This prevents Joe Cracker from using ftp to modify a file (such as /etc/passwd). If he is able to determine your root password, a shell provided via ftp could be used as a springboard for a superuser shell. How Create the file ftpd-root/etc/ftpusers with the following entries (one per line), including any other existing accounts for which you don't want to allow ftp access. root daemon sys bin nobody uucp news ingres AUpwdauthd AUyppasswdd sysdiag sundiag More Info ftpusers(5) o Remove the plus sign (+) in /etc/hosts.equiv Why Well..... Everyone gains access with this. Note /etc/hosts.equiv should not have any comment lines. More Info hosts.equiv(5) o Edit /etc/exports and remove all entries you don't want exported. Ensure whatever entries remain have restricted access. Why NFS leaves the normal file system protection up to the client instead of the server. A cracker with root access on a client can work around many of these protections. As a result file systems exported to the world are particularly vulnerable. How Edit the /etc/exports file to: 1. Only export what you need to export. If you aren't certain that it needs to be exported, then it probably doesn't. 2. Never export to the world. Use the option. 3. Export the file systems read-only whenever possible, using the ro option. You can use showmount -e to see what you currently have exported. More Info exports(5), exportfs(8), showmount(8) o Use nosuid in mounts Why Use the nosuid option when adding entries to /etc/fstab to mount a file system exported by another host. Anyone gaining access to the other host can create or modify an existing program which could compromise your system. This doesn't work on tmpfs file systems. How Include the nosuid when you add an entry to /etc/fstab to import a file system. More Info Reference 3, pg. 175, fstab(5) o Edit /etc/ttytab to remove the secure option from all entries Why The secure entry in /etc/ttytab allows logins directly to root on that tty. If you feel that your machine is not in a physically secure location, you may choose to remove the secure option from the console as well. As a result you will first login as a user in the wheel group and then su to root. More Info ttytab(5) o Edit syslog.conf to uncomment auth and mail lines Why This enables improved logging of system access and su's, but be prepared for voluminous reports. More Info syslog.conf(5) Return to the Index of Steps. * EEPROM Configuration o Set eeprom secure field to ``command'' or ``full'' Why If you feel that your machine is not in a secure location, then the eeprom secure field can be used to prevent unauthorized root access by crashing your machine. Note With the full option the system will not auto-reboot and will wait for the root password to be entered. More Info eeprom(5) o Remove openprom support if you do not intend to use the eeprom secure field Why A cracker who gains root access could install an eeprom password and make your life a bit harder. How Remove the device driver from the kernel by commenting out the following. # The "open EEPROM" pseudo-device is required to support the # eeprom command. # pseudo-device openeepr # onboard configuration NVRAM More Info eeprom(5) Return to the Index of Steps. * File Permissions o chmod 600 /dev/eeprom Why Prevents users from reading the eeprom passwd. More Info eeprom(5) o Add umask 022 to /etc/rc and /.login Why Prevent key files created during startup and root operation from being created world writable. Note You may want to set umask in /.login to 077 instead of 022. More Info umask(1), rc(8) o chmod go-w /etc/* chmod go+w /etc/tmp chmod g+w /etc/dumpdates Why None of the files in the /etc directory should require write access by world except for dumpdate, which requires group write access, and tmp, which requires group and other write access. More Info chmod(1), aliases(5), state(5), utmp(5), remote(5), rmtab(5) o Edit /etc/rc.local to comment line(s) that chmod 666 motd Why /etc/motd is the standard message-of-the-day file. It won't allow people to gain root access, but it could be a nuisance if they can change this anonymously. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the line "rm -f /tmp/t1" is at the beginning of this portion of /etc/rc.local o Disable set-user-ID (chmod u-s file) for the following program files, unless you specifically use them: /usr/bin/cu /usr/bin/tip /usr/bin/fusage /usr/bin/nsquery /usr/bin/uucp /usr/bin/uuname /usr/bin/uustat /usr/bin/uux /usr/ucb/rcp /usr/ucb/rdist /usr/ucb/rlogin /usr/lib/uucp/uusched /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt /usr/ucb/rsh /usr/lib/uucp/uucico /usr/games/hack /usr/games/chesstool /usr/games/fortune /usr/lib/exrecover /usr/games/robots /usr/lib/uucp/remote.unknown /usr/games/hack /usr/games/snake /usr/bin/sunview1/sv_release /usr/etc/rfsetup /usr/bin/allocate /usr/ucb/quota /usr/lib/expreserve Why Disabling set-user-ID modes for those programs you don't use helps prevent would be crackers from exploiting unknown security flaws that could be used to compromise your system. Note /usr/bin/allocate is used with C2 security. /usr/ucb/quota is used with disk quotas. /usr/lib/expreserve is used to recover a vi edit session that died. If the following programs are only run by root: /usr/etc/shutdown /usr/lib/acct/accton they don't need to be set-user-ID. More Info Reference 22 Chap 4, lots of man pages ;-) o Disable set-group-ID mode (chmod g-s program-file) for the following files unless you specifically use them: /usr/bin/wall /usr/etc/trpt /usr/bin/sunview1/toolplaces /usr/bin/iostat /usr/bin/ipcs /usr/ucb/vmstat /usr/ucb/netstat /usr/etc/arp /usr/etc/dmesg /usr/etc/dkinfo /usr/etc/chill /usr/etc/dumpfs /usr/etc/devinfo /usr/etc/nfsstat /usr/old/perfmon /openwin/bin/xload /usr/kvm/pstat /usr/kvm/crash /usr/kvm/getcons /usr/etc/kgmon /usr/etc/trpt Why Disabling set-group-ID modes for programs that you won't need helps prevent would be crackers from exploiting unknown security flaws. More Info Reference 22, chap 4, lots of man pages ;-) o chmod 640 /vmunix and chgrp kmem /vmunix Why Prevent crackers from finding out more about your kernel configuration. Return to the Index of Steps. * Install Random Number I-node Generator on File systems fsirand Why Predictable root handles assists crackers in abusing NFS. After installing the patch for fsirand you'll need to run fsirand for all your file systems. How Ensure the file system is unmounted and run fsirand. More Info fsirand(8), SunOS patch 100173 (NFS Jumbo), Reference 22 pg. 268 Return to the Index of Steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Management Changes * Disable set-user-ID mode for passwd program (if using NIS) or disable -F option in /bin/passwd program. Why Here two scenarios exist. 1. If you are using NIS for your user database, you don't need /bin/passwd to be set-user-ID root. The same applies to the two hard links pointing to /bin/passwd, namely /bin/chfn and /bin/chsh. 2. If you are using NIS and you want to support password modification in the your local /etc/passwd file, then please note that /bin/passwd has a race condition that can be exploited to write to files as root, allowing a cracker to gain root access. Because rpc.yppasswdd runs as user-ID root on the NIS server, neither yppasswd, ypchfn, nor ypchsh need to be set-user-ID root. How No matter which of the above scenarios you wish to implement, do cd /bin; chmod u-s yppasswd ypchfn ypchsh Then, choose one of these options. 1. To disable /bin/passwd, do cd /bin; chmod u-s passwd chfn chsh 2. Otherwise, to allow users to modify /etc/passwd via passwd, chfn, or chsh, either. + Replace /bin/passwd with a proactive passwd program that checks for bad passwords (Reference 7), or + do a binary edit of /bin/passwd (Sun's code) from the prompt, as shown below. # cd /bin # cp passwd passwd.old; chmod 700 passwd.old # adb -w - passwd not core file = passwd /l 'F:' 0x68de 0x68de/w 0 0x68de: 0x463a = 0x0 # chmod 4711 /bin/passwd Note that the above address, 0x68de, is required for the 0x68de/w 0 step. Note The following files should all contain the same code, and be set-user-ID root (unless disabled as discussed above). If you intend to use any of these, ensure they are a link to the modified file /bin/passwd. yppasswd ypchfn ypchsh chfn chsh More Info Reference 6 * Remove sync entry from the password file Why This account is used to let administrators ``sync'' the file system before a system crash. By default, sync has no password, allowing it to be abused to gain access to the system. The simplest solution is to live without this feature and remove this account. More Info passwd(5) * Implement password shadowing Why To restrict access to all users' encrypted passwords. Even though passwords are encrypted, Crack (a publicly available program) can be used to effectively guess users' passwords. Reference 20 How This can be done one of two different ways. 1. By implementing Sun's C2 security package, which provides additional auditing. I've found that this auditing can be troublesome to maintain and I didn't have need for the extensive data. 2. The second option is to implement shadowing but not C2, this procedure is fully explained in detail in Reference 5. In summary, + Ensure patch 100564 is installed, (note this also implements securenets for NIS), + split /etc/passwd into /etc/passwd and /etc/security/passwd.adjunct, + divide /etc/group into /etc/group and /etc/security/group.adjunct, + add required Audit users (even if not implementing auditing), + comment out the part of /etc/rc.local that starts audit, and + reboot. Note The existence of the /etc/security/passwd.adjunct file has several other effects in rc.local that improves system security (ypbind -s and rpc.mountd without -n). More Info Reference 5 * Ensure all accounts have passwords Why Any account without a password provides open access to your system. Note that as delivered the /etc/passwd file has no password for the ``root'' account! More Info passwd(5) Back to the Index of Steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail System Modifications Why The sendmail program itself has been notorious for numerous bugs that can give crackers root access illegitimately. This is a huge topic and should be a paper or book in itself. We claim no expertise here. ;-) Even so, there are several different possible configurations and options that will be outlined before we point you to further references. Host configuration: 1. If you intend to send and receive mail directly on your machine, your options are to: + live with sendmail by installing the newest version, following a few guidelines, or + Ensure a mail file is always in existence for all users. Reference 10 and Reference 11 + chmod u-s /bin/mail and change sendmail to use "procmail" or mail.local. Reference 17 + Change sendmail default user-ID in to 65534. + Turn on security features of sendmail, including Opauthwarnings needmailhelo noexpn novrfy restrictmailq Reference 2 and Reference 9 + install Zmailer. Reference 8 Note Zmailer does not use the /bin/mail program so chmod u-s /bin/mail. 2. If your mail delivery is handled by another host then your system should only need to support outgoing mail. To prevent the sendmail daemon from being started, comment out the line(s) in /etc/rc.local that invoke sendmail. For outgoing mail, + install latest version of sendmail, or + see previous comments in this section for things to change in sendmail config, + chmod u-s /bin/mail, since mail delivery is being handled by main mail host there is no need for /bin/mail to be set-user-ID. + install Zmailer. Reference 8 Zmailer does not use /bin/mail so chmod u-s /bin/mail. 3. No need for mail whatsoever on this machine--incoming, outgoing, or internal. This is certainly the most secure mode because e-mail will not be able to be sent from or to this machine. This basic restriction of outside access will prevent abuse of that service. How To disable mail totally, + chmod u-s /usr/lib/sendmail /usr/lib/ /bin/mail + comment out the line(s) in /etc/rc.local that invoke Sendmail. Back to the Index of Steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Packages for Better Security and Monitoring * Tripwire, Reference 13 (Be sure to include all set-user- and set-group-ID files in your configuration.) * Tcp wrappers, Reference 4 * COPS, Reference 14 Set up to run each night. Be careful to check the bit bucket output to ensure that it is working properly. * Modified portmapper, login, rshd, rlogind, pidentd from W. Venema, Reference 15 * TAMU Tiger Scripts, Reference 16 * xinetd, an improved version of inetd, Reference 23 Note: the Australian group SERT (Reference 18) has put together a package named MegaPatch that includes several of these packages as well as many of the patches to SunOS previously mentioned. Back to the Index of Steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References [1] Dan Farmer & Wietse Venema, "Improving the security of your Site by Breaking Into it", 1993. ( [2] W. Cheswick & S. Bellovin, "Firewalls and Internet Security", Addison-Wesley, April 94. [3] H. Stern, "Managing NFS & NIS", O'Reilly & Associates, April 92. [4] Wietse Venema, "TCP WRAPPER: Network monitoring, access control and booby traps" (, Proceedings of the Third Usenix Unix Security Symposium, pg. 85-92. (text version) ( tcp wrapper package -- look for most recent version of tcp_wrappers_*.shar.Z) [5] Eric Oliver, "How to shadow without C2 Auditing", June 94. ( [6] [8lgm]-Advisory-7.UNIX.passwd.11-May-1994.NEWFIX [7] Proactive password changing programs (passwd+, npasswd) (There are several this is the only one who's URL I had available) anlpasswd (look for most recent version of anlpasswd-*.tar.Z), passwdd (look for the most recent version of passwdd-*.tar.Z) [8] Zmailer package, and the README file ( [9] Bryan Costales, Eric Allman, and Neil Rickert, "Sendmail", O'Reilly & Associates, June 93. 8lgm advisories are available though the 8lgm file server at Please note that you must include information about which advisory you want. To get instructions, include the word help in the message body. [10] [8lgm]-Advisory-5.UNIX.mail.24-Jan-1992 [11] [8lgm]-Advisory-5.UNIX.mail.24-Jan-1992.PATCH [12] [8lgm]-Advisory-6.UNIX.mail2.2-May-1994 [13] Gene Kim & Gene Spafford Tripwire, 1994. ( [14] Dan Farmer & Gene Spafford Cops, 1990. ( [15] Wietse Venema portmapper, login, rshd, rlogind portmap, logdaemon ( [16] Safford et. al. TAMU tiger script, 1993. ( [17] Local mail delivery agents including procmail, mail.local (by Joerg Czeranski). ( [18] SERT's MegaPatch ( [19] Source Routing Patch ( [20] Crack ( [21] CERT Advisory CA-94:01 ( [22] Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford "Practical Unix Security", O'Reilly & Associates, June 1991. [23] "xinetd-2.1.2" (" Back to the Index of Steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Note We felt that this item was not really directed toward our targeted audience, yet still worth mention: Customizing ruserok(3) How If you have source license to 4.1.3, modify the routine ruserok(3) to return -1 for the cases you wish to disallow. To disable .rhosts authentication entirely, simply have this routine return -1. Look at the /usr/lib/shlib.etc/README file for how to modify Note to also make the following changes: o In the file /usr/lib/shlib.etc/README below the line: % mv rpc_commondata. rpc_commondata.o insert % mv xccs.multibyte. xccs.multibyte.o o In the Makefile, change the lines below to read as they do here. OBJSORT=/usr/lib/shlib.etc/objsort AWKFILE=/usr/lib/shlib.etc/awkfile o Add the -ldl option at the end of both ld command lines. More Info ruserok(3), hosts.equiv(5) source code file /lib/libc/net/rcmd.c Reference 4, Reference 15 Back to the Index of Steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgments Thanks to all the people in who offered their suggestions, and thanks to the following people for their kind review: (Gene Spafford) (Becky Goodman) (Andy Smith) Back to the Index of Steps. Thomas M. Kroeger ( / Braden W. Carter ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright ©1995 by Thomas M. Kroeger and Braden W. Carter. All Rights Reserved. Feel free to redistribute or include this list or parts of it wherever you desire, but please include appropriate citation. Edited by Becca Thomas / Online Editor / UnixWorld Online / Back to UnixWorld Online's Home Page Back to McGraw-Hill's Computer and and Communication Information Magazines Home Page, which provides links to LAN Times, Open Computing, and, of course, UnixWorld Online. Last Modified: Sunday, 09-Apr-95 18:33:11 PDT ----- /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Marcos Aguinaldo Forquesato Internet: Centro de Computacao Hepnet : Universidade Estadual de Campinas Fone : (0192) 397425 Campinas - SP - Brasil FAX : (0192) 398450 /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) (Security Group) O gerenciamento de rede e composto de duas categorias similares, a primeira e o gerenciamento de aplicativos de rede, gerenciamento de contas de usuarios e gerenciamento de direitos de acesso. Que se relacionam com o softw- are, o qual nao vamos falar nesta materia. A segunda categoria e o hardware que constitui a rede. Essa categoria inclui: estacoes de trabalho, servidores, placas de rede, roteadores, pontes e hubs. Quando ocorre algum problema eles nao notificam automaticamente, mas sim os usuarios que reclamam quando ocorre algum problema, o roteador nao pode notificalo quando estiver congestionado e assim em diante... Para resolver es- ses problemas os fabricantes desenvolveram alguns desses dispositivos com capa cidade de gerenciamento de rede, para que remotamente o administrador pudesse saber seu estado. O gerenciamento de rede costuma ser dividido em quatro categorias: * Nos de gerenciamento( ou Dispositivos) - Dispositivos que voce que monito- rar. * Agentes - Software ou firmware especial que detecta o estado do dispositivo gerenciado. * Estacao de gerenciamento de rede - um dispositivo centralizado que comunica e apresenta o estado dos agentes nos varios nos(n¢s) gerenciados. * Protocolo de gerenciamento de rede - Usado pela estacao de gerenciamento de rede e pelos agentes para trocar informacoes de gerenciamento. _______________ | Agente de | | Gerenciamento | --------------- ++++++++++++++++++++ + + ___ _______________ | s | | Agente de | | e | | Gerenciamento | +++++ | r | --------------- + | v | ____________ + | i | Dispositivo Gerenciado+++ | Monitor de | + | d | | trafego | + | o | +------------ + | r | + + ++++++ + + --- + + + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + +++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + ________________ + + | Estacao de | + | Gerenciamento |+ | de Rede | ---------------- Estrutura de Gerenciamento de rede! Eu acho que da para voces entenderem mais ou menos esse desenho! Alguns fabricantes usam protocolos de propriedade para se comunicarem com o seu hardware. Por exemplo as CAUs (Controlled Access Units), sao servi- cos gerenciaveis, mas usam um protocolo de propriedade da IBM. Isso significa que e preciso ter o console de gerenciamento da IBM para comunicar-se com as CAUs. Outros fabricantes como: SynOptics, WellFlet, Cabletron, Cisco etc... adotaram a implementacao do SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), o SNMP e um padrao publico bem definido que e muito usado pela comunidade da internet , para saber mais sobre ele procure o RFC 1157/1098/1067, se voce encontrar dificuldade para acha-los comunique-nos. O SNMP e um conjunto de protocolos que permitem a consulta remota de variaveis de um dispositivo SNMP, assim como estabelecer valores novos. Um dispositivo SNMP tambem pode gerar alarmes no console de gerenciamento. Bem, o SNMP nao e dependente de protocolo, ele pode ser usado no IP, IPX da Novell, Apple Talk da Apple e OSI. Mas e mais comum no IP. Duas coisas sao muito importantes para um bom gerenciamento: * O trafego do devido as inforamcaoes do gerenciamento nao deve aumentar sig- nificativamente o trafego da rede. * O agente de protocolo no dispositivo gerenciado nao deve aumentar significa- tivamente o resultado de processamento a ponto de prejudicar a funcao princi- pal do dispositivo. A familia SNMP de protocolos: * MIB (Management Information Base) - Visto na POLICY00.TXT * SMI (Structure and Identification of Management Information) * SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Existem duas abordagens para coleta de dados para dispositivos geren- ciados: uma abordagem baseada em polling e uma baseada em interrupcao. Pelo metodo polling a estacao de gerenciamento de rede estara sempre no controle, a abordagem baseada em interrupcao oferece notificacao imediata para a estacao de gerenciamento de rede caso aconteca um evento extraordinario , as duas maneiras oferencem desvantagens quebrando uma das duas coisas neces- sarias para um bom gerenciamento. Agentes em dispositivos gerenciados podem denunciar condicoes de erro , tais como niveis de limiar pre-programados excedidos, a estacao de gerencia- mento de rede a qualquer hora. Eles nao precisam esperar que a estacao de ge- renciamento os chame. Isso e conhecido como trap SNMP. * Agentes E uma peca especifica de software ou firmware que contem informacoes sobre um dispositivo especifico ou seu ambiente. Quando um agente e instalado em um dispositivo, este dispositivo e tido com "gerenciado". Em outras pala- vras e um banco de dados. Os dados contidos no Banco de Dados variam de acordo com o dispositivo onde o agente esta instalado. Por exemplo, em um roteador o agente contera in- formacoes sobre sua tabela de roteamento, numero total de pacotes recebidos e transmitidos e assim por diante. O agente e o software que se comunica com o console de gerenciamento de rede. As seguintes tarefas podem ser executadas atraves dessa conexao: * A estacao de gerenciamento de rede pode recuperar informacoes sobre o dis- positivo atraves do agente. * A estacao de gerenciamento de rede pode atualizar, adicionar ou remover en- tradas, como entradas da tabela de roteamento, no banco de dados mantido pelo agente. * A estacao de gerenciamento de rede pode estabelecer limiares para determi- nada trap. * O agente podera enviar traps para a estacao de gerenciamento de rede. * Traps do SNMP As traps do SNMP sao alertas geradas por agentes em um dispositivo ge- renciado. Essas traps geralmente podem dar origem a cinco tipos de eventos: * coldStart ou warmStart. O agente inicializa suas tabelas de configuracao. Uma inicializacao a frio pode alterar a configuracao atual. * LinkUp ou LinkDown. Uma interface de rede no agente ou falhou ou voltou a vida. As vezes essas traps sao enviadas quando um protocolo e preso ou libera- do de uma interface de rede. * authenticationFailure. Um nome de comunidade nao reconhecido acompanhado de uma mensagem SNMP. * egpNeighborLoss. O agente nao pode mais comunicar-se com seu parceiro no EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) * enterpriseSpecific. Condicoes de erro especificas e codigos de erro. O geren ciamento da sua rede precisa ter o MIB de empreendimento do fornecedor para de codificar essas menssagens. * Nomes de Comunidade SNMP Cada pedido SNMP e sinalizado com uma password, essa senha e chamada de nome de comunidade, ela e uma string de texto que reconhece caracteres maiusculas e minusculas de ate 32 caracteres. E a maioria usa os caracteres ASCII. Existem tres tipos de comunidade: * Monitor Community * Control Community * Trap Community Os nomes de comunidade SNMP sao enviados como um texto claro na mensa- gem. Qualquer um com um analisador de protocolo colocado no fio pode capturar e decodificar os nomes de comunidade sendo usados. Portanto nao ache que o SNMP e seguro. Esta questao esta sendo abordada no RFC 1446. Um dos analizadores mais famosos e o LANalyzer for windows, para tra- car mensagem de trap do SNMP. Esta materia foi publicada a nivel cultural para maiores informacoes leia os RFCs. \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o Seguranca do Windows NT (Security Group) PARTE I Este documento esta indo anexado ao arquivo compactado, com extensao html. Se encontra tambem em ingles. Espero que me desculpem pelas varias ma- terias em ingles que esta zine apresentou nesta edicao, mas e que as ferias estao ai, e para nao deixar voces desinformados sobre a zine, decidimos apres- sa-la. \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) (RFC) Status of this Memo This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Abstract This document describes how Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) can be used to provide privacy and authentication using the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) security content types described in RFC1847. 1. Introduction Previous work on integrating PGP with MIME (including the since withdrawn application/pgp content type) has suffered from a number of problems, the most significant of which is the inability to recover signed message bodies without parsing data structures specific to PGP. This work makes use of the elegant solution proposed in RFC1847, which defines security multipart formats for MIME. The security multiparts clearly separate the signed message body from the signature, and have a number of other desirable properties. This document is styled after RFC 1848, which defines MIME Object Security Services (MOSS) for providing security and authentication. This document defines three new content types for implementing security and privacy with PGP: application/pgp-encrypted, application/pgp-signature and application/pgp-keys. 1.1 Compliance In order for an implementation to be compliant with this specification, is it absolutely necessary for it to obey all items labeled as MUST or REQUIRED. 2. PGP data formats PGP can generate either ASCII armor (described in [3]) or 8-bit binary output when encrypting data, generating a digital signature, or extracting public key data. The ASCII armor output is the REQUIRED method for data transfer. This allows those users who do not have the means to interpret the formats described in this document to be able extract and use the PGP information in the message. When the amount of data to be transmitted requires that it be sent in many parts, the MIME message/partial mechanism should be used rather than the multipart ASCII armor PGP format. 3. Content-Transfer-Encoding restrictions Multipart/signed and multipart/encrypted are to be treated by agents as opaque, meaning that the data is not to be altered in any way [1]. However, many existing mail gateways will detect if the next hop does not support MIME or 8-bit data and perform conversion to either Quoted-Printable or Base64. This presents serious problems for multipart/signed, in particular, where the signature is invalidated when such an operation occurs. For this reason all data signed according to this protocol MUST be constrained to 7 bits (8- bit data should be encoded using either Quoted-Printable or Base64). Note that this also includes the case where a signed object is also encrypted (see section 6). This restriction will increase the likelihood that the signature will be valid upon receipt. Data that is ONLY to be encrypted is allowed to contain 8-bit characters and therefore need not be converted to a 7-bit format. Implementor's note: It cannot be stressed enough that applications using this standard should follow MIME's suggestion that you "be conservative in what you generate, and liberal in what you accept." In this particular case it means it would be wise for an implementation to accept messages with any content-transfer- encoding, but restrict generation to the 7-bit format required by this memo. This will allow future compatibility in the event the Internet SMTP framework becomes 8-bit friendly. 4. PGP encrypted data Before encryption with PGP, the data should be written in MIME canonical format (body and headers). PGP encrypted data is denoted by the "multipart/encrypted" content type, described in [1], and MUST have a "protocol" parameter value of "application/pgp-encrypted". Note that the value of the parameter MUST be enclosed in quotes. The multipart/encrypted MUST consist of exactly two parts. The first MIME body part must have a content type of "application/pgp- encrypted". This body contains the control information. A message complying with this standard MUST contain a "Version: 1" field in this body. Since the PGP packet format contains all other information necessary for decrypting, no other information is required here. The second MIME body part MUST contain the actual encrypted data. It must be labeled with a content type of "application/octet- stream". Example message: From: Michael Elkins To: Michael Elkins Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; boundary=foo; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted" --foo Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted Version: 1 --foo Content-Type: application/octet-stream -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.2 hIwDY32hYGCE8MkBA/wOu7d45aUxF4Q0RKJprD3v5Z9K1YcRJ2fve87lMlDlx4Oj eW4GDdBfLbJE7VUpp13N19GL8e/AqbyyjHH4aS0YoTk10QQ9nnRvjY8nZL3MPXSZ g9VGQxFeGqzykzmykU6A26MSMexR4ApeeON6xzZWfo+0yOqAq6lb46wsvldZ96YA AABH78hyX7YX4uT1tNCWEIIBoqqvCeIMpp7UQ2IzBrXg6GtukS8NxbukLeamqVW3 1yt21DYOjuLzcMNe/JNsD9vDVCvOOG3OCi8= =zzaA -----END PGP MESSAGE----- --foo-- 5. PGP signed data PGP signed messages are denoted by the "multipart/signed" content type, described in [1], with a "protocol" parameter which MUST have a value of "application/pgp-signature" (MUST be quoted). The "micalg" parameter MUST have a value of "pgp-", where identifies the message integrity check (MIC) used to generate the signature. The currently defined values for are "md5" for the MD5 checksum, and "sha1" for the SHA.1 algorithm. The multipart/signed body MUST consist of exactly two parts. The first part contains the signed data in MIME canonical format, including a set of appropriate content headers describing the data. The second body MUST contain the PGP digital signature. It MUST be labeled with a content type of "application/pgp-signature". When the PGP digital signature is generated: (1) The data to be signed must first be converted to its type/subtype specific canonical form. For text/plain, this means conversion to an appropriate character set and conversion of line endings to the canonical sequence. (2) An appropriate Content-Transfer-Encoding is then applied. Each line of the encoded data MUST end with the canonical sequence. (3) MIME content headers are then added to the body, each ending with the canonical sequence. (4) As described in [1], the digital signature MUST be calculated over both the data to be signed and its set of content headers. (5) The signature MUST be generated detached from the signed data so that the process does not alter the signed data in any way. Example message: From: Michael Elkins To: Michael Elkins Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary=bar; micalg=pgp-md5; protocol="application/pgp-signature" --bar & Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 & Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable & & =A1Hola! & & Did you know that talking to yourself is a sign of senility? & & It's generally a good idea to encode lines that begin with & From=20because some mail transport agents will insert a greater- & than (>) sign, thus invalidating the signature. & & Also, in some cases it might be desirable to encode any =20 &railing whitespace that occurs on lines in order to ensure =20 & that the message signature is not invalidated when passing =20 & a gateway that modifies such whitespace (like BITNET). =20 & & me --bar Content-Type: application/pgp-signature -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBMJrRF2N9oWBghPDJAQE9UQQAtl7LuRVndBjrk4EqYBIb3h5QXIX/LC// jJV5bNvkZIGPIcEmI5iFd9boEgvpirHtIREEqLQRkYNoBActFBZmh9GC3C041WGq uMbrbxc+nIs1TIKlA08rVi9ig/2Yh7LFrK5Ein57U/W72vgSxLhe/zhdfolT9Brn HOxEa44b+EI= =ndaj -----END PGP MESSAGE----- --bar-- The "&"s in the previous example indicate the portion of the data over which the signature was calculated. Though not required, it is generally a good idea to use Quoted- Printable encoding in the first step (writing out the data to be signed in MIME canonical format) if any of the lines in the data begin with "From ", and encode the "F". This will avoid an MTA inserting a ">" in front of the line, thus invalidating the signature! Upon receipt of a signed message, an application MUST: (1) Convert line endings to the canonical sequence before the signature can be verified. This is necessary since the local MTA may have converted to a local end of line convention. (2) Pass both the signed data and its associated content headers along with the PGP signature to the signature verification service. 6. Encrypted and Signed Data Sometimes it is desirable to both digitally sign and then encrypt a message to be sent. This protocol allows for two methods of accomplishing this task. 6.1 RFC1847 Encapsulation [1], it is stated that the data should first be signed as a multipart/signature body, and then encrypted to form the final multipart/encrypted body, i.e., Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; boundary=foo --foo Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted Version: 1 --foo Content-Type: application/octet-stream -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- & Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-md5 & protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary=bar & & --bar & Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii & & This message was first signed, and then encrypted. & & --bar & Content-Type: application/pgp-signature & & -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- & Version: 2.6.2 & & iQCVAwUBMJrRF2N9oWBghPDJAQE9UQQAtl7LuRVndBjrk4EqYBIb3h5QXIX/LC// & jJV5bNvkZIGPIcEmI5iFd9boEgvpirHtIREEqLQRkYNoBActFBZmh9GC3C041WGq & uMbrbxc+nIs1TIKlA08rVi9ig/2Yh7LFrK5Ein57U/W72vgSxLhe/zhdfolT9Brn & HOxEa44b+EI= & =ndaj & -----END PGP MESSAGE----- & & --bar-- -----END PGP MESSAGE----- --foo-- (The text preceded by '&' indicates that it is really encrypted, but presented as text for clarity.) 6.2 Combined method Versions 2.x of PGP also allow data to be signed and encrypted in one operation. This method is an acceptable shortcut, and has the benefit of less overhead. The resulting data should be formed as a "multipart/encrypted" object as described above. Messages which are encrypted and signed in this combined fashion are REQUIRED to follow the same canonicalization rules as for multipart/signed objects. It is explicitly allowed for an agent to decrypt a combined message and rewrite it as a multipart/signed object using the signature data embedded in the encrypted version. 7. Distribution of PGP public keys Content-Type: application/pgp-keys Required parameters: none Optional parameters: none This is the content type which should be used for relaying public key blocks. 8. Notes PGP and Pretty Good Privacy are trademarks of Philip Zimmermann. 9. Security Considerations Use of this protocol has the same security considerations as PGP, and is not known to either increase or decrease the security of messages using it; see [3] for more information. \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ o A Security Problem and Proposed Correction With Widely Deployed DNS Software Status of this Memo This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Abstract This document discusses a flaw in some of the currently distributed name resolver clients. The flaw exposes a security weakness related to the search heuristic invoked by these same resolvers when users provide a partial domain name, and which is easy to exploit (although not by the masses). This document points out the flaw, a case in point, and a solution. Background Current Domain Name Server clients are designed to ease the burden of remembering IP dotted quad addresses. As such they translate human- readable names into addresses and other resource records. Part of the translation process includes understanding and dealing with hostnames that are not fully qualified domain names (FQDNs). An absolute "rooted" FQDN is of the format {name}{.} A non "rooted" domain name is of the format {name} A domain name may have many parts and typically these include the host, domain, and type. Example: or Flaw The problem with most widely distributed resolvers based on the BSD BIND resolver is that they attempt to resolve a partial name by processing a search list of partial domains to be added to portions of the specified host name until a DNS record is found. This "feature" is disabled by default in the official BIND 4.9.2 release. Example: A TELNET attempt by User@Machine.Tech.ACES.COM to UnivHost.University.EDU The resolver client will realize that since "UnivHost.University.EDU" does not end with a ".", it is not an absolute "rooted" FQDN. It will then try the following combinations until a resource record is found: UnivHost.University.EDU.Tech.ACES.COM. UnivHost.University.EDU.ACES.COM. UnivHost.University.EDU.COM. UnivHost.University.EDU. Security Issue After registering the EDU.COM domain, it was discovered that an unliberal application of one wildcard CNAME record would cause *all* connects from any .COM site to any .EDU site to terminate at one target machine in the private sub-domain. Further, discussion reveals that specific hostnames registered in this private subdomain, or any similarly named subdomain may be used to spoof a host. Example: CNAME targethost Thus all connects to from all .com sites would end up at targthost, a machine which could provide a login banner. This is clearly unacceptable. Further, it could only be made worse with domains like COM.EDU, MIL.GOV, GOV.COM, etc. Public vs. Local Name Space Administration The specification of the Domain Name System and the software that implements it provides an undifferentiated hierarchy which permits delegation of administration for subordinate portions of the name space. Actual administration of the name space is divided between "public" and "local" portions. Public administration pertains to all top-level domains, such as .COM and .EDU. For some domains, it also pertains to some number of sub-domain levels. The multi-level nature of the public administration is most evident for top-level domains for countries. For example in the Fully Qualified Domain Name,, the portion "" represents three levels of public administration. Only the left-most portion is subject to local administration. The danger of the heuristic search common in current practise is that it it is possible to "intercept" the search by matching against an unintended value while walking up the search list. While this is potentially dangerous at any level, it is entirely unacceptable when the error impacts users outside of a local administration. When attempting to resolve a partial domain name, DNS resolvers use the Domain Name of the searching host for deriving the search list. Existing DNS resolvers do not distinguish the portion of that name which is in the locally administered scope from the part that is publically administered. Solution(s) At a minimum, DNS resolvers must honor the BOUNDARY between local and public administration, by limiting any search lists to locally- administered portions of the Domain Name space. This requires a parameter which shows the scope of the name space controlled by the local administrator. This would permit progressive searches from the most qualified to less qualified up through the locally controlled domain, but not beyond. For example, if the local user were trying to reach: User@chief.admin.DESERTU.EDU from starburst,astro.DESERTU.EDU, it is reasonable to permit the user to enter just chief.admin, and for the search to cover: chief.admin.astro.DESERTU.EDU chief.admin.DESERTU.EDU but not chief.admin.EDU In this case, the value of "search" should be set to "DESERTU.EDU" because that's the scope of the name space controlled by the local DNS administrator. This is more than a mere optimization hack. The local administrator has control over the assignment of names within the locally administered domain, so the administrator can make sure that abbreviations result in the right thing. Outside of the local control, users are necessarily at risk. A more stringent mechanism is implemented in BIND 4.9.2, to respond to this problem: The DNS Name resolver clients narrows its IMPLICIT search list IF ANY to only try the first and the last of the examples shown. Any additional search alternatives must be configured into the resolver EXPLICITLY. DNS Name resolver software SHOULD NOT use implicit search lists in attempts to resolve partial names into absolute FQDNs other than the hosts's immediate parent domain. Resolvers which continue to use implicit search lists MUST limit their scope to locally administered sub-domains. DNS Name resolver software SHOULD NOT come pre-configured with explicit search lists that perpetuate this problem. Further, in any event where a "." exists in a specified name it should be assumed to be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and SHOULD be tried as a rooted name first. Example: Given user@a.b.c.d connecting to e.f.g.h only two tries should be attempted as a result of using an implicit search list: e.f.g.h. and e.f.g.h.b.c.d. Given user@a.b.c.d. connecting to host those same two tries would appear as: x.b.c.d. and x. Some organizations make regular use of multi-part, partially qualified Domain Names. For example, host might be used to making references to bar.loc2, or mumble.loc3, all of which refer to The stringent implicit search rules for BIND 4.9.2 will now cause these searches to fail. To return the ability for them to succeed, configuration of the client resolvers must be changed to include an explicit search rule for That is, it must contain an explicit rule for any -- and each -- portion of the locally- administered sub-domain that it wishes to have as part of the search list. Security Considerations This memo indicates vulnerabilities with all too-forgiving DNS clients. It points out a correction that would eliminate the future potential of the problem. \\---------------------------------[POLICY01]-------------------------------\\ E-ZINE POLICY - Security Group Inc. DATA EXTIMADA DA PROXIMA EDICAO: 27/07/1997 MATERIAS DA PROXIMA EDICAO: (Tudo para agradar nossos leitores) COMPONENTES: ChowN, AbLAzE}_, cYcloPe, Alex, Jackal OBS: Se voce possui alguma materia, ou quer incluir seu e-zine no "Security Group Inc.", favor mandar e-mail para: HTTP Service: Em breve em: